03 March 2025

My Support

You can reach your Support inbox page by selecting My Support from the left hand menu in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. On this page you can view any message you have sent or received through the ebs support system. You can raise concerns for yourself or other learners using the records and notes options.

Screenshot of learner My Support Page

You will also be notified on the homepage as soon as you receive any messages. Clicking on the Support button will take you to the same page as the My Support link in the left hand menu.

My Support Inbox

The my support homepage is an inbox for any records and notes that have been sent to you. The inbox can show a maximum of 50 items per page. You can search the messages on the page or all messages sent to you.

Screenshot of the My Support page with added labels

The Icons next the message indicate it's status:-

A closed envelope indicates an unread message.

An open envelope indicates a read message.

A speech bubble indicates a message that has been updated since you last read it.

Red Flags indicates that messages are urgent.

Locks indicate that the message has been restricted by a Safeguarding Manager. You will not be able to view the contents of the message.

Report a Concern

If you are concerned about the safety or well being of yourself or another student you can share your concern. You can also use this process to share all sorts of information. This is done by completing forms that your institution have set up.

If you raise a concern about another learner, that learner will not be able to see what you wrote. They will also not be informed that a concern has been raised.

There are two options for raising concerns. The steps for both types are the same, they are just for reporting different types of things.

Add Record - This option is for serious concerns where you might need to provide a bit more detail eg. concerns about welfare or mental health.

Add Note - This option is for sharing quick and simple information eg. provide information about medication you are taking.

Screenshot of add record and add note buttons in My Support

Once you've decided which is the best option, you go through the following steps.

  1. Identify who it's about.

  2. Select the best form to complete. There will be a number of forms to choose from to help you give all the information your institution needs to look into your concern.

  3. Complete the form. The forms are designed by your institution. Required questions are marked with red asterisks. You complete the different types of question as follows.

    1. If you are asked about who you want to notify you can select some options. If you select no options the safeguarding team will still be informed.

    2. Text boxes - Select the box and type in your response. There are formatting buttons above the text box

    3. Multiple choice questions - There are a few different types of multiple choice questions. You provide answers by selecting from drop down, checking boxes, or selecting radio buttons.

    4. Body map - Selecting a location on the body map adds a red cross. You can add as many red crosses as you need. If you make a mistake select the clear markers button at the bottom of the body map to start again.

  4. Select Save as draft if you want to finish the message later. Select the Submit button to send your message.

My History

Selecting My History shows you a list of all the notes and reports that have been shared with you. This includes messages that are currently in your inbox as well as any you might have deleted or archived.